Performers: Stano Masár, Lucia Masárová, Jakub Matlovič, Michal Kaščák, Michael Kocáb, Braňo Jobus, Dorota Nvotová, Juraj a Adriana Kemkovci, Jozef Lupták, Lasky, Ludwig Bagin, Zuzana Wienk, Peter Tatár, Fedor Gál, Richard Rybníček, Ilona Németh, Martin Piaček, Peter Kalmus, Dano Dida, Nina Vidovencová, Magda a Zuzka Fábryová, Oto Hudec, Emília Rigová
For a summer festival I prepared a project with an old newspaper stand. The invited performers here were selling postcards that imitated those on sale at the time of socialism. With the postcard the viewer also received a stamp and a pen and, once having inscribed it, could throw it into a postbox and send it to a friend or relative. Space was thereby made for the meeting of two timelines: visual postcards from past times with a present-day text and date. This opened up questions about democracy, freedom and toler-ance now, and formerly during totalitarianism.